
Monday 25 March 2013


So I have been thinking about what I am to include in the testing stages of my project. My plan is still to go ahead and test upon three groups of people using the same question setup for each clip. These will be made up of rating scales with an opposing adjective on either end eg.

                                                      Happy |-------------------| Sad

The idea is that there will be a number system on the scale of 1-7 where 4 equals an indifference in opinion. The scales that I have come up with so far are:

                                                      Tense  |--------------------|  Unprovoked
                                             Ill-tempered  |--------------------|  Vulnerable
                                              Aggressive  |--------------------|  Sorrowful
                                                    Uneasy  |--------------------|  Calm
                                                Villainous  |--------------------|  Fragile

These will occur for each of the five musical cues. Once all of the cues have been watched, the last page will hold two last questions along the lines of:

By the end of the film clip, do you believe the character to be of threat?     Yes | No

Please Write a short paragraph on what you believe to be the plot of this scene.

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