
Friday 5 October 2012

Hello, So I have started this blog to keep a log on on all concept development, research and work that I do towards my Honours Year Project.

So to start I will outline the initial idea that I have had for my fourth year project and my decision on which idea I have settled on:

Initially I had a handful ideas that all were subjected to the same practical outcome; the composition of music. These included the use of music in game trailers, the increasing popularity of sample bank composition as opposed to the real life orchestra and the main idea that I followed up on: 
Music in film - a companion to visuals or an emotional stimulus. 

The idea I had was to find out if music used in key scenes enhances the visual for the screen or directly conveys the emotions and feeling of a scene to the audience. After my first day of extensive research I found that I would like narrow down my concept to a distinct style of composition or visual stimulus. I decided upon using leitmotif as the basis of my research and how a theme that incapsulates a single character and embodies their characteristics can enhance the narrative of the story.

I have various questions that I wish to answer in this research but they are needed to be refined before I pitch this idea during my pitch week. I shall next post on my project idea as of pitch week feedback.

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