
Wednesday 27 March 2013

Questionnaire Part 2

I have changed my idea slightly for my questionnaire after chatting with my project tutor. My main problem is that previously my questionnaire did not contain strict opposing adjectives. The though I had was to have two end of my modified linkert rating scale to be adjectives that described the psychological sense of the character. The two conflicting views that we are meant to feel for the character is as a manic, chaotic antagonist, or as a sorrowful, saddened, vulnerable man. So as opposed to stating just eg. Happy or Sad, my idea was to have one end to be eg. Aggressive and Sorrowful. The problem with this is that I am asking my volunteers to make a judgement of where they place the characters state along a spectrum from one to another. Having two adjectives that aren't opposing means that there isn't an accurate spectrum of state, there is just one state and another which doesn't give room for someone to rate where exactly they feel.

I have revised this idea and have come up with a number of adjectives and relevant antonyms that may be used to describe the character. I am trying my best to stay away from words that would not describe the character in anyway which would mean that no matter which cue is shown, the audience would be more than likely to pick the same adjective ie. using the word happy would not describe the state of the character at anytime during the film so the audience would never pick that adjective, there would be no change in perception.
The following is my working list of adjective that I need to break down into a smaller, more concise questionnaire that best fits my needs:

Uneasy - Calm
Unpleasant - Pleasant
Threatening - Unalarming
Sorrowful - Hopeful
Tense - At Ease
Villainous - Innocent
Innocent - Menacing
Cautious - Timid
Aggressive - Submissive
Agitated - Composed
Possessed - Unstable
Distressed - Untroubled
Unsettled - Stable
Uncontrolled - Contained
Trustworthy - Deceitful
Chaotic - Tame
Crazy/Insane - Sane
Emotional - Emotionless
Fragile - Resilient

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