
Wednesday 27 March 2013

Dissertation Chapters

I'm at the stage now where I can start writing my dissertation. Here is my initial breakdown of what I believe to be that chapters that I will include and what each of the chapters entails. This is still subject to change and still needs to be gone over with my project supervisor.

  - Historic and Academic Background to Project
  - Why we have Music in Films
  - What is a Musical Theme
  - Research Question
  - Aims and Objectives

2)Lit Review
2.1) Brief History of Film Music
  - Opera and Wagnarian Themes
  - Silent Film
  - Modern Film Music and the introduction of the Film Composer
  - Where the Motif and Theme came From (The Importance of Themes)
2.2) The Function of Music in Film
  - Why Do We Use Music in Film
  - The Eight Functions of Film Music
  - Adding to Narrative, Adding to Reality
2.3) Establishing the Theme, Compositional Technique and Theory
  - Composing for Themes 
  - Spacial Awareness
  - Getting Inside the Character
  - How a Composer May Manipulate a Theme
2.4)Psychological and Emotional Responses to Music in Film
  - Cognitive Effects of Music
  - Subconscious Listening 
  - How we perceive Musical Conventions
  - Supra Reality and the heightened sense of realism
  - Shaping a Character Through Music
2.5) Previous Studies in The Field
  - Psychological Responses to a Stressful Film
  - Perception and Sound with Animated Geometric Shapes
  - Musical Association in Children

3) Methodology
  - Quantitive Research
  - Practice Based Research

4) Project Writeup
  - What is The Project
  - How Was the Project Composed
  - How Was the Project Tested
  - How Was the Data Analysed 

5) Results
  - Graphical and Statistical Evidence
  - Breakdown on what this means

6) Conclusion
  - What Do the Results Mean
  - How Do they Prove/Disprove my Hypothesis
  - How does this Relate to the field
  - Future Work

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