
Monday 1 April 2013

Final questionnaire / Methodology

The final questionnaire used looks as below:

Each excerpt and each musical cue uses the same format as the likert scale on the left hand side. Each volunteer is asked to score where they believe the character's emotional state to lie on each of the scales. I initially was going to use printed out copies of this test but I am looking into other ways in which to save paper as each cue takes a new page, making each volunteers having 6 sheets to fill out. A possible electronic version is being looked into if it can be done for all volunteers at once. The right hand questionnaire provides additional data on the participant to narrow down my research and observe any trends eg. if age plays a role on the perception of music or how people interpretation of the plot may change the emotional outlook of the character. 

Each volunteer will be presented a consent form as seen below. These consent forms do not need to be signed as they act as a statement of confirmation of data use and consent. If any volunteer feels that upon reading this consent form that they do not wish to take part in the experiment then an additional back up participant will take their place. The reason for not asking for a signature is to confirm complete anonymity for all participants.

All volunteers will be selected from students, academics and peer groups through social media, word of mouth and advertising. The test ideally will take part in one place for each excerpt group, hopefully the Hannah Maclure Centre which includes a cinema screen and high quality stereo speakers for audio playback. I am aiming to test on 24 volunteers, 2 groups of 12 to allow for a wide spread of results and also to give room for any dropouts that do not wish to take part in the experiment. 

Testing aims to take place in the next week or so

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